With just a few words, you can leave an artful legacy for Virginians to enjoy for years to come.

It’s true! Your support of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts can last far beyond your lifetime—and it only takes a few minutes to make it happen. If our passion has inspired you and you want others to benefit from that passion in the future, here are two easy ways to make a meaningful gift.

1. Include us in your will or living trust.

How do I set it up? Add as little as one sentence (often referred to as “bequest language”) to your will or living trust saying that you want to support us. You can do this either through your estate planning attorney or the will-planning software or app you used. You can give a specific amount of cash or securities, a piece of property, or a percentage of your estate.

What if I change my mind or my financial situation changes? You can change your will whenever you prefer. Be sure to inform us of your gift so we can ensure that it is used exactly as you wish; all it requires is filling out our gift intention form. Second, you become eligible to join a community of other passionate givers who make up the Glasgow Society.

2. Name VMFA as a beneficiary of a retirement account, life insurance policy, or commercial annuity.

How do I set it up? Contact your retirement plan administrator, insurance company, bank, or financial institution for a change-of-beneficiary form. On the form, you would list what percentage (1 to 100) you would like us to receive.

What if I change my mind or my financial situation changes? Beneficiary designations can be modified at any time to meet your needs. Be sure to review them every two to three years, because your assets may never reach your intended recipients if you’ve failed to keep the beneficiary designations up to date.

Let Us Help You Take the Next Step

We would be happy to work with you on making a long-lasting impact through your will or trust or through a beneficiary designation. Contact Marie Hawthorne, Senior Development Officer, at marie.hawthorne@vmfa.museum or 804.340.1335 to discuss your options.