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This comprehensive estate planning kit helps you protect your family and establish your legacy. FREE!
Download My KitIf you have a loved one who has been impacted by the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, establishing a memorial or tribute gift is a meaningful way to honor them or celebrate a special occasion, such as a birthday, while supporting our mission. Your memorial or tribute gift will extend the legacy of your loved one and will make a difference.
When Alexandria “Xan” Rogers joined The Council of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in 1969, it marked the beginning of a 50-year legacy of volunteerism. Her daughter, Alex Rogers McGrath, and granddaughter, Stephanie, continued the tradition through their own service on the Council—from welcoming visitors and leading tours through the galleries to planning the group’s biennial fundraiser, Fine Arts & Flowers.
To honor their long history with the museum, Alex and Stephanie recently established the Rogers-McGrath Endowment for Conservation. The fund will support the ongoing care of the collection, allowing the family to continue serving VMFA far into the future.
This comprehensive estate planning kit helps you protect your family and establish your legacy. FREE!
Download My KitThis comprehensive estate planning kit helps you protect your family and establish your legacy. FREE!
Download My Kit