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Your commitment ensures that the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts can provide an enriching arts experiences for years to come. By making a planned gift to VMFA, you join a dedicated group of supporters who value those we serve and the work we do. We recognize these thoughtful people in the Glasgow Society.

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Jean Dyson

Jean Dyson has been coming to VMFA since a seventh grade school field trip, over 70 years ago, when she was impressed by a painting of a forest patch with light shining down through the trees. "VMFA is part of my history, part of my story. I love it." In high school, Jean worked across the street. As an adult, she has attended theatrical performances and lectures, and had the opportunity to meet several artists—all the time watching the collection grow.

While Jean has been to hundreds of museums throughout the United States and in different countries, she believes VMFA has an intimacy about it that is unique. Jean has made VMFA part of her legacy by leaving a bequest in her will, noting, "This museum has grown to reflect the best part of the culture of the region. I wish everyone knew VMFA belongs to all Virginians; it’s our museum."